Safety first...
Safety is all that matters!
"Gosh - a pedelec for a kid - isn't that's way more dangerous than a conventional bike"- this statement we heard several times during the development phase of the ben-e-bikes. In fact - there's some truth behind it if technology for adult pedelecs is tranfered to kid's bikes without proper adaptation. As always - it simply depends on how you do it. We are absolutely convinced that our ben-e-bikes outperform most of the "unpowered "kids bikes available on the market today in terms of safety.
„Aren't children unable to deal with the speed of a pedelec?“
No - even if an official statement from the German bicycle club "ADFC" says the opposite. Actually from perspective and experience this is pure nonsens as kids on a ben-e-bike don't drive faster on level routes. In combination with the standard 175 Wh battery the motor assistance ends at 20 km/h. Parents (and not the child himself) can even reduce this threshold to values between 10 and 20 km/h. Besides that all ben-e-bikes have a short gear transmission ratio so that it is hardly possible to achieve higher speeds than 30 km/h even on slope sections.
„Does the sudden push of the motor lead to critical situations?“
No - the controller of the hub motor is well adapted to the low weight of bike and driver. In addition to that all ben-e-bikes offer a new feature that allows to match the total motor power to the weight of your kid.. Needless to say that this parameter can only be changed by the parents. A proper setup provided the hub motor offers in combination with the three sensors (speed-, pedal and hall sensors) a powerful yet smooth response.
„Aren't pedelecs much heavier than conventional bikes for children?“
Every single ben-e-bike simply proves the opposite. It is one of our basic principles that a ben-e-bike always has to be lighter than a comparable, conventional bicycle for children!
You need an example?
A non-powered 20" bike, even offered by well-known players in the bike industry, typically brings 10.5 to 11.5 kg to the scales - our ben-e-bike TWENTY E-POWER just weighs 9.9 kg.